Friday, May 23, 2014

470-12c ICE

Using the lab chairs and spandex filled with the dried beans, I came up with a fast pace competitive game. Similar to dodge ball and paint ball, players are place on the labs chairs are move around a field with "weapons" made with spandex and dried beans. Players roll around trying to knock another player off with their weapons. The last person standing/ the last team standing is the winner. However, players cannot push/kick or tackle the other players to try to knock them down, this can only be done with the weapons. The weapon will have a small pouch of beans, tied off and the rest of the spandex will be used as a sling. Each person has a certain amount of beans to make their weapon. Weapon size/weight are determined by the player. The more beans they use, the heavier the pouch will be but it will be more difficult to sling at people. The less bean they use, the lighter and easier it would be to sling, but it will be harder to knock people off. I personally think it would be interesting to play but potentially dangerous as well.

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